Holy Archipelago Cruising Tour


Tivat – Porto Montenegro – Flower island – Saint Mark’s island – Lady of Mercy island

Tivat has a reputation as one of the sunniest places in the Bay of Kotor. Since 2011, it is home to one of the largest mariners in this part of the Adriatic Sea – Porto Montenegro – so at any moment you can find hundreds of yachts of different sizes and shapes with their owners from different meridians. Because of that it is called ’’Montenegrin Monaco’’.

Near Tivat city, there is the so-called “holy archipelago”, consisting of 3 islands: the Miholjska Prevlaka (Flowers Island), St. Mark’s Island and Our Lady of Mercy.

All three islands are covered with numerous legends and were once a cult place of pilgrimage.

Flower island is one of the most beautiful places in Montenegro.
It is connected to the coast by a narrow cover, which disappears underwater during high tide.

The island is considered the birthplace of all kinds of palm trees, various flowers and plants that developed in the old days.

St. Mark’s island is known for its amazing beaches (total area is about 4 km), where the beach season lasts six months. This island is full of the greenery of cypresses and olives.

Our Lady of Mercy island – smallest archipelago – dominates the middle of the Bay of Tivat and is located three hundred meters west of St. Mark’s island, and some six hundred meters from the Luštica Peninsula. The island occupies a small space on the water, up to 80 m wide, 147 meters long and is enclosed on the outside by a wall, 1.5 m high. It was established in the 15th century, by monks.

On Our Lady of Mercy island there is a women’s monastery of the same name with cells, the Church of the Virgin, bell tower, and various auxiliary household objects, a courtyard with a gallery, walkways and a beautiful garden.

The island has great cultural, historical and religious significance, it is a unique “holy corner”, which fascinates by incredible nature and mystery, and for that the answer should be sought in numerous stories and legends.

Travel with us to the days of ancient Greece and Rome!

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Holy Archipelago Cruising Tour
  • Private tour
  • Unlimited
  • 8 hours + time for transfer depending on the place of your stay
  • Easy
  • April – October each year
  • Price inclusive of taxes
  • Possibility of changing tour according to your wishes and budget